
2017/7/4 posted in  Caffe反向传播计算





损失层(Loss Layer)是CNN的终点,接受两个Blob作为输入,其中一个为CNN的预测值;另一个是真实标签。损失层则将这两个输入进行一系列运算,得到当前网络的损失函数(Loss Function), —般记为\(L(\theta)\),其中\(\theta\)表示当前网络权值构成的向量空间。机器学习的目的是在权值空间中找到让损失函数\(L(\theta)\)最小的权值\(\theta_{opt}\),可以采用一系列最优化方法(如后面将会介绍的SGD方法)逼近权值\(\theta_{opt}\)





Softmax(a_i) = \frac{exp(a_i)}{\sum_j{exp(a_i)}} ,i=0,1,2,...K-1



L(\theta) = -{\frac{1}{N}}\sum_ilog[Softmax(a_k)], i=0,1,2,...N-1


理想的分类器应当是除了真实标签的概率为1,其余标签概率均为0,这样计算得到其损失函数为-ln(1) =0损失函数越大,说明该分类器在真实标签上分类概率越小,性能也就越差,一个非常差的分类器,可能在真实标签上的分类概率接近于0,那么损失函数就接近于正无穷,我们称为训练发散,需要调小学习速率,在ImageNet-1000分类问题中,初始状态为均匀分布,每个类别的分类概率均为0.001,故此时计算损失函数值为-ln(O.OO1) = ln(1000) = 6.907755... 经常有同学问,“我的loss为什么总是在6.9左右(该现象被称为6.9高原反应),训练了好久都不下降呢?”说明还都没有训练收敛的迹象,尝试调大学习速率,或者修改权值初始化方式.



// Message that stores parameters used by SoftmaxLayer, SoftmaxWithLossLayer
message SoftmaxParameter {
  enum Engine {
    DEFAULT = 0;
    CAFFE = 1;
    CUDNN = 2;  //使用cudnn引擎计算
  optional Engine engine = 1 [default = DEFAULT]; // 默认为 0 

  // The axis along which to perform the softmax -- may be negative to index
  // from the end (e.g., -1 for the last axis).
  // Any other axes will be evaluated as independent softmaxes.
  // axis为可选参数,指定沿哪个维度计算Softmax,可以是负数,表示从后向前索引
  optional int32 axis = 2 [default = 1];



 * @brief An interface for Layer%s that take two Blob%s as input -- usually
 *        (1) predictions and (2) ground-truth labels -- and output a
 *        singleton Blob representing the loss.
 * LossLayers are typically only capable of backpropagating to their first input
 * -- the predictions.
template <typename Dtype>
class LossLayer : public Layer<Dtype> {
  explicit LossLayer(const LayerParameter& param)
     : Layer<Dtype>(param) {}
  virtual void LayerSetUp(
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Reshape(
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual inline int ExactNumBottomBlobs() const { return 2; }

   * @brief For convenience and backwards compatibility, instruct the Net to
   *        automatically allocate a single top Blob for LossLayers, into which
   *        they output their singleton loss, (even if the user didn't specify
   *        one in the prototxt, etc.).
  virtual inline bool AutoTopBlobs() const { return true; }
  virtual inline int ExactNumTopBlobs() const { return 1; }
   * We usually cannot backpropagate to the labels; ignore force_backward for
   * these inputs.
  virtual inline bool AllowForceBackward(const int bottom_index) const {
    return bottom_index != 1;

用来计算 Softmax 损失函数的层 SoftmaxLayer 声明在 include/caffe/layers/softmaxlayer.hpp中:

 * @brief Computes the softmax function.
 * TODO(dox): thorough documentation for Forward, Backward, and proto params.
template <typename Dtype>
class SoftmaxLayer : public Layer<Dtype> {
  explicit SoftmaxLayer(const LayerParameter& param)
      : Layer<Dtype>(param) {}
  virtual void Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "Softmax"; }
  virtual inline int ExactNumBottomBlobs() const { return 1; }
  virtual inline int ExactNumTopBlobs() const { return 1; }

  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);
  virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
     const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);
  int outer_num_;
  int inner_num_;
  int softmax_axis_;
  /// sum_multiplier is used to carry out sum using BLAS(利用BLAS计算求和)
  Blob<Dtype> sum_multiplier_;
  /// scale is an intermediate Blob to hold temporary results.(用来临时存放中间结果的Blob)
  Blob<Dtype> scale_;


template <typename Dtype>
void SoftmaxLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  softmax_axis_ =
  //sum_multiplier_这里都是1,用于辅助计算,可以看作一个行向量,或者行数为1的矩阵 类似于sum_multiplier_.Reshape(1, bottom[0]->channels(),bottom[0]->height(), bottom[0]->width());  
  vector<int> mult_dims(1, bottom[0]->shape(softmax_axis_));
  Dtype* multiplier_data = sum_multiplier_.mutable_cpu_data();
  caffe_set(sum_multiplier_.count(), Dtype(1), multiplier_data);
  outer_num_ = bottom[0]->count(0, softmax_axis_);
  inner_num_ = bottom[0]->count(softmax_axis_ + 1);
  vector<int> scale_dims = bottom[0]->shape();
  scale_dims[softmax_axis_] = 1;

template <typename Dtype>
void SoftmaxLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[0]->cpu_data();
  Dtype* top_data = top[0]->mutable_cpu_data();
  Dtype* scale_data = scale_.mutable_cpu_data();
  int channels = bottom[0]->shape(softmax_axis_);
  int dim = bottom[0]->count() / outer_num_; //总的类别数目
  caffe_copy(bottom[0]->count(), bottom_data, top_data); //将输入拷贝到输出缓冲区
  // We need to subtract the max to avoid numerical issues, compute the exp,
  // and then normalize.(遍历bottom_data查找最大值,存入scale_data)
  for (int i = 0; i < outer_num_; ++i) {
    // initialize scale_data to the first plane(初始化scale_data为bottom_data首元素)
    caffe_copy(inner_num_, bottom_data + i * dim, scale_data);
    for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
      for (int k = 0; k < inner_num_; k++) {
        scale_data[k] = std::max(scale_data[k],
            bottom_data[i * dim + j * inner_num_ + k]);
    // subtraction(输出缓冲区减去最大值a_k = a_k- max(a_i))
    caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, channels, inner_num_,
        1, -1., sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), scale_data, 1., top_data);
    // exponentiation(求指数项exp(a_k))
    caffe_exp<Dtype>(dim, top_data, top_data);
    // sum after exp(累加求和1 + exp(a_k),存放在scale_data中)
    caffe_cpu_gemv<Dtype>(CblasTrans, channels, inner_num_, 1.,
        top_data, sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), 0., scale_data);
    // division 求Softmax值,即exp(a_k)/(1 + exp(a_k))
    for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
    // top_data = top_data / scale_data
      caffe_div(inner_num_, top_data, scale_data, top_data);
      // 加偏移跳转指针
      top_data += inner_num_;
template <typename Dtype>
void SoftmaxLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
    const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
  const Dtype* top_diff = top[0]->cpu_diff();
  const Dtype* top_data = top[0]->cpu_data();
  Dtype* bottom_diff = bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();
  Dtype* scale_data = scale_.mutable_cpu_data();
  int channels = top[0]->shape(softmax_axis_);
  int dim = top[0]->count() / outer_num_;
  caffe_copy(top[0]->count(), top_diff, bottom_diff);
  for (int i = 0; i < outer_num_; ++i) {
    // compute dot(top_diff, top_data) and subtract them from the bottom diff
    for (int k = 0; k < inner_num_; ++k) {
      scale_data[k] = caffe_cpu_strided_dot<Dtype>(channels,
          bottom_diff + i * dim + k, inner_num_,
          top_data + i * dim + k, inner_num_);
    // subtraction
    caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, channels, inner_num_, 1,
        -1., sum_multiplier_.cpu_data(), scale_data, 1., bottom_diff + i * dim);
  // elementwise multiplication(逐点相乘)
  caffe_mul(top[0]->count(), bottom_diff, top_data, bottom_diff);
