Max Consecutive Ones

Given a binary array, find the maximum number of consecutive 1s in this array.

class Solution {
    int findMaxConsecutiveOnes(vector<int>& nums) {
        int sum1 = 0;
        int tmp = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<nums.size(); i++) {
        if (nums[i]==1) {
            tmp = 0;
            sum1 = max(tmp, sum1);
        return sum1;
2017/11/29 posted in  leetcode

Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable

2017/11/29 posted in  leetcode

Reshape the Matrix

In MATLAB, there is a very useful function called 'reshape', which can reshape a matrix into a new one with different size but keep its original data.

You're given a matrix represented by a two-dimensional array, and two positive integers r and c representing the row number and column number of the wanted reshaped matrix, respectively.

The reshaped matrix need to be filled with all the elements of the original matrix in the same row-traversing order as they were.

If the 'reshape' operation with given parameters is possible and legal, output the new reshaped matrix; Otherwise, output the original matrix.

class Solution {
    vector<vector<int>> matrixReshape(vector<vector<int>>& nums, int r, int c) {
        int sumNum = nums.size() * nums[0].size();
        int r1 = nums.size();
        int c1 = nums[0].size();
        if (sumNum != r*c) {
            return nums;
        vector<vector<int>> result = vector<vector<int>>(r,vector<int>(c,0));
        int j = 0;
        for (int i =0; i<r*c; i++) {
            result[i/c][i%c] = nums[i/c1][i%c1];
        return result;
2017/11/29 posted in  leetcode

Degree of an Array

Given a non-empty array of non-negative integers nums, the degree of this array is defined as the maximum frequency of any one of its elements.

Your task is to find the smallest possible length of a (contiguous) subarray of nums, that has the same degree as nums.

class Solution {
    int findShortestSubArray(vector<int>& nums) {
        if (nums.size()<2) {
            return nums.size();
        unordered_map<int, int>startIndex , number;
        int len = nums.size();
        int fre = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<nums.size(); i++) {
            if (startIndex.count(nums[i])==0) {
            if (number[nums[i]]==fre) {
                len = min(i-startIndex[nums[i]]+1, len);
            if (number[nums[i]]>fre) {
                len = i - startIndex[nums[i]] + 1;
                fre = number[nums[i]];
        return len;


2017/11/23 posted in  leetcode

Find Pivot Index

Given an array of integers nums, write a method that returns the "pivot" index of this array.

We define the pivot index as the index where the sum of the numbers to the left of the index is equal to the sum of the numbers to the right of the index.

If no such index exists, we should return -1. If there are multiple pivot indexes, you should return the left-most pivot index.

class Solution {
    int pivotIndex(vector<int>& nums) {
        if(nums.empty()) return -1;
        int sum = 0;
        for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i++) sum+=nums[i];
        int leftSum = 0;
        for(int j=0;j<nums.size();j++)
            if (leftSum == sum - nums[j] -leftSum) {
                return j;
            leftSum += nums[j];
        return -1;
2017/11/23 posted in  leetcode

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

Say you have an array for which the \(i^{th}\) element is the price of a given stock on day i.

Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete as many transactions as you like (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock multiple times). However, you may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).

class Solution {
    int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {
        int result = 0;
        for(int i = 1;i<prices.size();i++)
            result += max(prices[i]-prices[i-1] , 0);
        return result;

2017/11/23 posted in  leetcode